Thesis Information
A master's thesis embodies original work by the candidate, conducted under the supervision of members of the faculty of Smith College. As a contribution to knowledge within appropriate fields, the work must, without fail, be clear, be grammatically correct and include a review of pertinent literature.
The thesis director must be a member of the Smith faculty in the candidate’s department/program. The second reader is normally a faculty member in the same department. The third reader should be someone external to the department who is qualified to assess the form and content of the thesis. Qualified faculty at outside institutions may be asked to serve as readers.
Forms & Deadlines
Thesis Subject and Reader Form (Google Form)
Digital Archives Permission Form (PDF)
Thesis Typing Guidelines (PDF)
Master’s Thesis Guideline Dates – 2024-2025
Full-year Thesis
October 4
Student identifies the proposed second and third readers and informs the Graduate and Special Programs office (via the Thesis Subject and Proposed Reader form). The second reader is normally a faculty member in the student’s department. The third reader should be someone external to the department who is qualified to assess the form and content of the thesis.
Beginning of Interterm (by January 6)
Student submits outline and chapter draft to thesis director. At this time, the second reader should be shown the general scope of the thesis and asked to discuss the outline.
March 28
Student submits final draft to the thesis director. Third reader must be confirmed by this time.
Last day of classes (May 2)*
Student submits final electronic copy to the thesis director. The director forwards thesis and evaluation forms (from the Graduate and Special Programs office) to second and third readers.
Last day of exams (May 9)
Thesis director approves the final copy. Student submits the thesis in final form (one Word document and one pdf) to the Graduate and Special Programs Office, along with a signed Digital Archives Permission Form. (The thesis will be fowarded to and catalogued by the Smith College library.)
Deadline for grades (May 12)
Thesis director collects evaluation forms from the second and third readers, compiles a final grade, and submits all three forms to the Graduate and Special Programs Office.
Graduate and Special Programs Office submits final grade to the registrar and notifies the student as soon as possible after Interterm.
* If thesis cannot be completed on schedule, the student must contact the Graduate and Special Programs office as soon as possible to request an extension. The deadline for such a request is the last day of classes in the semester in which the thesis is due. A continuation fee of $60 per semester will be assessed when the student is not enrolled in course credits.
Master’s Thesis Guideline Dates – 2024-2025
Fall Semester Thesis – 2024
October 4
Student identifies the proposed second and third readers and informs the Graduate and Special Programs office (via the Thesis Subject and Proposed Reader form). The second reader is normally a faculty member in the student’s department. The third reader should be someone external to the department who is qualified to assess the form and content of the thesis.
October 4
Student submits outline and chapter draft to thesis director. Second reader should be shown the general scope of the thesis and asked to discuss the outline.
November 15
Student submits final draft to the thesis director. Third reader must be confirmed by this time.
Last day of classes (December 10)*
Student submits final electronic copy to the thesis director. The director forwards thesis and evaluation forms (from the Graduate and Special Programs office) to second and third readers.
Last day of exams (December 18)
Thesis director approves the final copy. Student submits the thesis in final form (one Word document and one pdf) to the Graduate and Special Programs Office, along with a signed Digital Archives Permission Form. (The thesis will be fowarded to and catalogued by the Smith College library.)
Deadline for grades (January 6)
Thesis director collects evaluation forms from the second and third readers, compiles a final grade, and submits all three forms to the Graduate and Special Programs Office.
Graduate and Special Programs Office submits final grade to the registrar and notifies the student as soon as possible after Interterm.
* If thesis cannot be completed on schedule, the student must contact the Graduate and Special Programs office as soon as possible to request an extension. The deadline for such a request is the last day of classes in the semester in which the thesis is due. A continuation fee of $60 per semester will be assessed when the student is not enrolled in course credits.
Master’s Thesis Guideline Dates – 2024-2025
Spring Thesis – 2025
February 14
Student identifies the proposed second and third readers and informs the Graduate and Special Programs office (via the Thesis Subject and Proposed Reader form). The second reader is normally a faculty member in the student’s department. The third reader should be someone external to the department who is qualified to assess the form and content of the thesis.
February 14
Student submits outline and chapter draft to thesis director. Second reader should be shown the general scope of the thesis and asked to discuss the outline.
March 28
Student submits final draft to the thesis director. Third reader must be confirmed by this time.
Last day of classes (May 2)*
Student submits final electronic copy to the thesis director. The director forwards thesis and evaluation forms (from the Graduate and Special Programs office) to second and third readers.
Last day of exams (May 9)
Thesis director approves the final copy. Student submits the thesis in final form (one Word document and one pdf) to the Graduate and Special Programs Office, along with a signed Digital Archives Permission Form. (The thesis will be fowarded to and catalogued by the Smith College library.)
Deadline for grades (May 12)
Thesis director collects evaluation forms from the second and third readers, compiles a final grade, and submits all three forms to the Graduate and Special Programs Office.
Graduate and Special Programs Office submits final grade to the registrar and notifies the student as soon as possible after commencement.
* If thesis cannot be completed on schedule, the student must contact the Graduate and Special Programs office as soon as possible to request an extension. The deadline for such a request is the last day of classes in the semester in which the thesis is due. A continuation fee of $60 per semester will be assessed when the student is not enrolled in course credits.
Thesis Guidelines
Guidelines for the preparation of the master's thesis have been composed by the staff of the Smith College libraries. Since these guidelines and related polices are subject to change, please consult the document found on the libraries' website for current information.
Contact Graduate & Special Programs
Seelye Hall 209
2 Seelye Drive
Smith College
Northampton, MA 01063
Phone: 413-585-3050 Email:
Associate Dean of the Faculty/
Dean for Academic Development:
Hélène Visentin
Operations Coordinator: Martha Potyrala